Appraisal 101
What is a real estate appraisal?
Technically, an appraisal is the process of developing an opinion of value. However, “appraisal” often refers to an appraisal report.
What is an appraisal Report?
Appraisal reports generally describe the property, neighborhood, market, highest and best use and include one or more approaches to value, a reconciliation and final value opinion.
What is an approach to value?
The three most common approaches to value are the sales comparison approach, cost approach and income approach.
What is the sales comparison approach?
This is the most common approach to value for residential real estate. This approach usually includes a grid or spreadsheet with the subject in the far left column and comps and adjustments in columns to the right of the subject.
What is a comp?
A comp or comparable is a sale of a property that is similar to the subject in as many features and characteristics as possible, including location, size, view, etc. Because it is rare to find comps that are identical to the subject, the comps should bracket the subject's important features when possible.
What is bracketing?
Bracketing means some of the comps are superior and some are inferior in a particular feature. This prevents skewing. For example, if a subject property includes a two acre parcel of land and no comps are available with two acres, then some of the comps should have smaller parcels and some should have larger parcels.
What is skewing?
Skewing means the results are pushed one way or the other due to unbalanced data. That is more likely when the comps do not bracket the subject.
What are adjustments?
In the sales comparison approach, adjustments are made when there are significant differences between the subject and a comp. For example, the subject has 1,000 square feet and the comp has 1,200 square feet of living area, so an adjustment in a dollar amount is made to the comp's sale price to make the comp more comparable to the subject. Adjustments can be positive or negative depending on whether the comp is superior or inferior to the subject.
How do you know how much to adjust?
There are many techniques available to support adjustments in the sales comparison approach. The two most common are "paired sales analysis" and "regression analysis". Paired sales analysis is the oldest and most recognized appraisal technique for supporting adjustments and is generally considered the gold standard, but in recent years regression analysis has gained popularity because true paired sales analysis is often not possible. For a more detailed discussion on adjustments, please see the blog post on this subject on this website.
What is regression analysis?
Regression analysis is a statistical process of estimating the relationships among variables. In layman's terms and relating to appraisals and adjustments, regression uses mathematical algorithms to determine the value of particular features, such as pools, lot size, etc.
What is paired sales analysis?
In the strictest sense, paired sales analysis determines the value of a particular feature by comparing two properties that are identical in every way, except for the feature in question. For example, property A and B are identical in every way, except that property B has a fireplace and property A does not. Property B sold for $2,000 more than property A, so the value of the fireplace in this example is extrapolated to be $2,000. Because ideal paired sales are rarely available, a modified form of this method is generally employed.
What is the cost approach?
The cost approach estimates the cost to rebuild the subject, plus land value and site improvements and deducts for depreciation/obsolescence.
What is depreciation/obsolescence?
There are three main types; first, physical, second, functional and third, external.
What is physical depreciation?
Physical depreciation relates mostly to “wear and tear” or the aging of physical features.
What is functional obsolesce?
This most often relates to poor design. For example, it may be necessary to go through one bedroom to get to the next bedroom, etc.
What is external obsolescence?
This relates to negative features external to the subject property. Being near railroad tracks is an example of this.
What is the income approach?
This is most applicable to income producing properties like rentals. In this approach, a gross rent multiplier (GRM) is often used to value the subject property. The indicated GRM of the comps is based on the sales price divided by the gross rent. For the subject, the GRM x gross rent = indicated value. The GRM for the subject is based on a reconciliation of the GRM's for the comps.
In an appraisal, what is a neighborhood?
When people talk about their neighborhood, they are generally referring to a small area in the immediate vicinity. This is sometimes referred to as the immediate neighborhood in appraisals. Ideally, the comps used in an appraisal would all come from this area. However, immediate neighborhoods are often too small for an adequate number of comps, so it may be necessary to go to the larger or general neighborhood for at least some of the comps. The neighborhood section of the appraisal report generally refers to the general neighborhood. This is a larger area where reasonably similar properties can be found.
What is a market?
There are many different types of markets, such as the national housing market, local rental market, etc. Every property is part of a particular segment of the market. The subject's segment of the market is based on the types of buyers and sellers in that market. The size and price of a property, as well as its location and other characteristics determine which segment of the market the subject best fits in.
What is the highest and best use?
This is the physically possible, financially feasible and legal use that brings the greatest return. For example, the highest and best use of a home on a large lot may be to split the lot if it is legal, feasible and possible.
What is reconciliation?
The reconciliation in an appraisal determines which comps and which approaches to value have the most relevance. The reconciliation is used to determine the final value opinion or market value for the subject.
What is market value?
There is more than one definition of market value, but most include some or all of the following:
The most probable price, where buyer and seller are acting prudently and in their best interest, are typically motivated and are not under duress.